Tag Archives: Stock Market

Testing Your Mindset about Making Money, Part 1

Today’s episode was recorded as a “flow of consciousness” on my mobile phone while driving home from an event that brought up a lot of thoughts. As you listen to the ideas about money and prosperity I put forth, use this as an exercise, actually a “mirror,” to your observe the reactions in your mind. … Continue reading Testing Your Mindset about Making Money, Part 1

Why the Pros Get Their Trades Filled Before You!

3 places your orders can reside: Your computer Your broker’s server At the exchange Some advantages/disadvantages of each: Your computer: Good: protect you from trading blind if your computer or internet service goes down for day traders. Bad: slower fill Your broker’s server: Good: Faster than on your computer. You’ll get you filled even if … Continue reading Why the Pros Get Their Trades Filled Before You!

Can the Market Makers See Your Stops?

Can market makers see where you place your orders so they can “run your stops?” The specifics will vary depending on whether you’re trading stocks, futures, Spot Forex or Options. Not only human market makers, but also, and perhaps more importantly, market making algorithms that are programmed to run stops. It’s not most accurate to … Continue reading Can the Market Makers See Your Stops?

David Wygant Interview: The Trading Psychology Challenges of a New Stock Trader, Part 2

This is the part 2 of a long discussion I had with David about his new journey into day trading the stock market. It became a very organic and spontaneous discussion with many unexpected turns including: How techniques for attracting women apply to trading. How an individual’s unique personal history influences their trading success or … Continue reading David Wygant Interview: The Trading Psychology Challenges of a New Stock Trader, Part 2

David Wygant Interview: The Trading Psychology Challenges of a New Stock Trader, Part 1

David Wygant is a life and relationships coach who reaches over 1.7 million people every month. Recently he set out to master the profession of day trading the stock market. In this episode I talk to David about his new journey and it was a fascinating discussion. It became a very organic and spontaneous discussion … Continue reading David Wygant Interview: The Trading Psychology Challenges of a New Stock Trader, Part 1

Rande Howell Interview: Mastering Trading Psychology

Rande Howell Interview: Mastering Trading Psychology This interview with Rande Howell from “My Trader’s State of Mind” is one of the most insightful and interesting I’ve ever heard about trading psychology. Rande Howell, Trader Psychologist, has more than 15 years of practice as a licensed therapist and performance psychology coach. His work centers on how … Continue reading Rande Howell Interview: Mastering Trading Psychology

What’s the Best Time Interval for Day Trading?

WHAT’S THE BEST TIME INTERVAL FOR DAY TRADING? THE 5 RULES: The size of your trading account. Can’t risk more than 2% of your trading account on any one given trade. This is from entry to protective stop. If holding overnight, then is risk of your hedge. Keep going smaller in time interval, and find … Continue reading What’s the Best Time Interval for Day Trading?

How the “Little Guy” Can Make Big Money in the Market!

The other day, I was asked “How can a little guy like me make money in the markets? Is it even possible?” I understand the question. In a world where power is controlled by: Big government. Big business. Where big money talks and can even buy you justice in the courtroom. It can be hard … Continue reading How the “Little Guy” Can Make Big Money in the Market!

The Market Took All My Money!

The Market Took All My Money! Successful Trading is in Your Control – Learn How Now. “Extreme Ownership” is the opposite of entitlement. Take control. Being in control requires responsibility, so many of us prefer to say that things are outside of our control. Examples of: Scam alert websites. Ripoff report websites. No, your’e not … Continue reading The Market Took All My Money!

The Best Place to Put Your Protective Stops

Trading is a business of probability. Every trader will take losses, so we need to use protective stops. Many traders take profits quickly but hold on to losing trades – it’s human nature. We take profits because it feels good, and we try to hide from the pain of losses. 3 BAD TYPES OF PROTECTIVE … Continue reading The Best Place to Put Your Protective Stops